Dr. Nicole D. Barreda is a naturopathic doctor licensed as a primary care physician with prescription privileges, performing blood work and other diagnostic health evaluations. Dr. Barreda is licensed in acupuncture, clinical nutrition, IV therapy, botanical medicine, homeopathy, hypnosis, and many other natural and alternative healing modalities.

Naturopathic doctors provide the best that medicine has to offer combining conventional medical lab work and diagnostic evaluations with effective natural and alternative treatment modalities.

Dr. Barreda received her medical degree from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. She also has two undergraduate degrees from the University of North Texas – Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry with a minor in Chemistry and a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a minor in Psychology. Dr. Barreda was trained in Hypnosis at the Milton H. Erickson Foundation in Phoenix.

Dr. Barreda’s clinic, Medicine For Your Soul which is located in North Scottsdale , is an alternative approach to medicine, health, and wellness. Passionate about helping you achieve your desired level of health, she thoroughly evaluates your case to find the underlying cause of your health issues. Then, utilizing a wide variety of natural and alternative therapies, she helps you achieve your desired health goals.


To assist each patient in balancing their physical, emotional and mental well-being using natural therapies to enhance their quality of life.

To walk with each patient on their path to personal wellness.